Picture of Brittany Ryan


Brittany Ryan

Part Time Faculty
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In my sculptures and paintings I endeavor to describe the pleasures of solidarity and shared experiences among women. Some figures exist in ethereal environments, giving a sense of being a symbols, for different aspects both positive and negative of women. Other works are in home settings or with furniture, these woman are more of a representation of the interior life, both physically and mentally. In my paintings and sculpture furniture and clothing are very important, as they are some of the strongest social signifiers in women’s lives. I like to create tension in my sculpture by placing fugitive materials such as vintage fabrics against the very permanent surface of bronze.

Although Brittany’s education is classically based, she feels a kinship to the aesthetic of artists like Toulouse Lautrec, Augustine Rodin and Puvis de Chavannes, for their strong graphic sensibilities, interpretation of form, and stylized approach. Contemporary artists Bo Bartlett and Jenny Saville have the subtle and ambiguous story telling method she strives for. In both Brittany’s painting and sculpture, line and profile are the key element to her work. She communicates the narrative more through the formal elements, versus symbol or strong gesture.


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