Storyboarding Certificate

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The Storyboarding Certificate provides a concentration in storyboarding for advanced skill-level students, as well as professionals in related fields, such as illustration, graphic design and concept design who want to move in this field in order to expand their skills or make a career change. The Storyboarding Certificate emphasizes Story development, illustrating the narrative, planning shots, and drawing panels to demonstrate action and continuity between scenes in animation or live action. To fulfill the requirements in this certificate, the student must have first taken the prerequisites for all courses in the certificate, or by portfolio review by instructors of the Illustration and DART programs. This certificate requires 21 units of required courses. A minimum grade of C is required in each course taken.

Required Courses (21 units):
ART 214 F Perspective and Staging for Storyboarding3
ART 215 F Beginning Storyboarding and Narrative Composition (formerly ART 090BF)3
ART 216 F Advanced Storyboarding and Pre-Visual Preparation3
ART 219 F Visual Storytelling: Image and Sequence3
ART 221 F Staging and Scene Development3
ART 223 F Composition for Artists: Master Studies3
DART 104 F Introduction to Maya 3D3
Total Units21

Student Learning Outcomes

Outcome 1: Create and utilize sketching skills/rapid visualization, two-dimensional design and color, draftsmanship of accurate human anatomy, digital illustration programs, and creative storytelling based on recognized industry standards to find artistic solutions for design problems in a variety of creative areas.

Outcome 2: Create and apply story development techniques, illustration of the narrative, design sequences in panels to demonstrate action and continuity between shots, development of thumbnail designs that convey/enforce story, and presentations of finalized images for Pre-Visualizations for the purpose of meeting recognized professional standards in the storyboarding industry.

Outcome 3: Analyze and apply professional communication skills related to the field of Storyboarding to enhance interactions with peers and project leaders in a creative situation or environment.

DISCLAIMER: Any student interested in matriculating through the certificate and/or degree program should cross reference the data found on this page against the official catalog and/or meet with a campus counselor.